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Toys”R”Us Uses S-5!® Solar Panel Kit Mounts
“In an effort to reduce electricity costs and carbon emissions, Toys “R” Us, together with Constellation Energy Group, chose Advanced Green Technologies (AGT) to install a solar photovoltaic (PV) system on their distribution center in Flanders, NJ. Prior to the installation of the system, the distribution center used an average of 8 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity and produced an annual carbon emission of 4,000 metric tons, resulting in more than $500,000 per year in energy costs. AGT turned to S-5!® because they were unwilling to compromise the pre-existing roof warranty.

“Through the use of 90,000 S-5-E Mini clamps, AGT was able to install 37,144 rigid thin-film PV modules while maintaining the roof’s integrity and preserving the roof manufacturer’s warranty. The completed solar array covers more than 70% of the 1 million sq. ft. standing seam roof, thus making it at completion the largest single rooftop installation in North America. What’s more, the ease-of-use of the S-5-E Mini clamps helped to streamline the installation process, saving time and labor costs (”
The Benefits of Going Green Using Solar Panel Kits
- Solar power is free
- Reduces the amount of electricity the house hold uses
- Reduces the dependency on a power grid
- Thus not as badly affected by power outages
- Provides power for limited access areas who cannot use traditional power means
- Increases the value of a home
- Reduces carbon and other green house emissions (gas, smoke and other pollutant chemicals)
- No need to burn fossil fuels an use up the earths non-renewable energy
- Comes from a renewable energy source
- In cities reduces acid rain and smog
Toys”R”Us Building from Case Study
Only the mounting hardware for solar panel kits is sold by S-5! We do not sale solar panels.
How Solar Energy is Made
Solar energy is simple and cost effective. Photovoltaic cells or solar cells convert sunlight into energy. These cells combine forming what is know as a solar panel or a solar modal. Solar panels are installed anywhere the sun shines. Commonly, solar modules are seen on rooftops where they, the modules, convert the sun’s energy into usable and free electricity. As a result, the electric bill one pays monthly is dramatically reduced as is seen in the Toys”R”Us case study.
A Little Solar History
In many cases non-renewable resources such as coal, natural gas and oil make the electricity we use today. “non-renewable” means that one day these resources will run out, and we, the people of earth as a whole, will have to find alternative methods to create electricity. That being said, there are ways in which electricity is produced that are neither harmful nor draining to our planet; these renewable resources include things like solar and geothermal energy. Renewable energy is ideal, but in the past many could not afford it.
Solar Installation Made Easier
Fortunately, solar energy is more affordable today than ever before. S-5!’s part is this relates to the mounting systems contractors use to install solar panels. The S-5-PV Kit (UL Listed) and the EdgeGrab™ are one-of-a-kind solar panel mounting kits. Especially relevant is the ease with which these solar panel kits attach to a standing seam metal roof. Also the variety of roofs to which they attach. Lastly, the roof warranties that remain intact because of the non-penetrating technology invested in the S-5 mini clamps (sold separately) to which the solar panel kits attach. Case studies show the savings of thousands of dollars when using S-5!® solar panel kits to install solar modules.
Solar Energy Pays for Itself
Eventually solar energy pays for itself. On top of cheaper installation costs, consumers save even more money using their own free electricity instead of paying for electricity from an power grid. These two factors alone should be enough to prompt anyone to invest in solar energy, but in case that is not enough, solar energy is green energy. We do not have to go green with everything we do, but solar energy is one way we can make the world a better place and save our non-renewable resources for more important needs.